Your donation goes directly to The Tiralosi Twins and helps your favorite creators to create content & to keep you entertained! Donate below!

General Donation
This is a donation directly to us that we can use for ourselves and to improve our content!
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Donate as much as your heart desires <3

Buy Us a Coffee Form
This donation contributes to our coffee fund! If you want to treat us to a coffee we greatly appreciate it :)!*We can allocate these funds to any need that us or our business may have. Coffee is the primary use!
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$5 each

Buy us a Massage!
Your donation goes a long way! It helps our sore muscles and improves our mood and allows us to bring the very best entertainment to you! We greatly appreciate your generosity :)!*We can allocate these funds to any need that us or our business may have. Massages are the primary use!
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$100 each

Donate to our Content!
We are always trying to improve our content. You would help us improve our equipment and take the financial burden off, so that we can focus on content.Thank You!!
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$10,000 Total